New Year, New Strategies: Navigating Your 2024 Communications Plan

Happy New Year! As we step into the freshness of 2024, it's common to feel the pressure to hit the ground running with a burst of new energy and strategies. You probably know that you need a robust communications strategy by now, but if you haven't started yet, it's okay. Feeling overwhelmed at the start of the year is more common than you think.

Let's face it, shifting gears from the holiday mode back to work can be challenging. Whether the festive season was a luxurious break or a hectic time, the transition isn't always smooth. Personally, I relish this time of year. It's a period filled with planning and setting goals for the next 12 months. But like many, I sometimes find the execution part tough, especially when it pushes me out of my comfort zone.

In 2023, I took a leap by creating short videos to promote my work, something I had never considered before due to my camera shyness. Surprisingly, these videos received a fantastic response, and when a TV opportunity came up in September, I jumped at it without hesitation. This year, as part of my own communication strategy, I plan to create more videos to share my expertise.

As business owners, it’s tempting to stay in our comfort zones. It’s easy to feel frustrated when customers don’t immediately understand what we offer. However, it’s crucial to step outside our bubbles and view our business from the customer’s perspective. If your message isn’t resonating, it’s not the customer who’s at fault – it's the message.

At the beginning of this new year, take a moment to reflect: What do you want your business to be known for? How will you convey that message? Perhaps it's time to embrace more video content on social media or seek media attention through press and publicity.

Planning to launch a new product or service this year? Remember, the effort you put into your launch's publicity should match the effort you invested in creating the product. Your audience needs to understand the benefits clearly – why should they care?

Here are my top tips for the new year:

  1. Child’s Feedback: Get a child to read your communications. Their direct and honest feedback is invaluable. If your message is clear and to the point even a child will understand it. 

  2. The 8-Second Test: Is your service clear within the first 8 seconds on your site? That’s the average attention span for a post or website visit.

  3. Identify Media Contacts: Look for journalists, broadcasters, and podcasters who focus on your area of interest. Their expertise is more valuable than the outlet they work for.

  4. Create a Media List: Develop your own media contact list, including their areas of interest.

Feeling overwhelmed? That’s where The Communications Coach can help. Join my 'Cut Through the Noise' Coaching program to sharpen your messaging and effectively leverage traditional media for more sales in 2024. Benefit from my nearly two decades of media industry experience to grow your business this year.

Here’s to a year of effective communication and business growth!

Upcoming Events

I will be speaking at the Local Enterprise Office Dublin City Women’s Network on January 16th and the Professional Speakers Association on January 20. 

I will also be announcing a new podcast project soon so if you’d like to be involved drop me an email at hello@the communications

Aisling O' Rourke
Born and raised in the Midlands of Ireland Aisling O' Rourke seeks to give an intimate insight into worlds ordinarily hidden from public view. Aisling enjoys devoting extended periods of time to her documentary projects. She works in both visuals and audio and intends to focus more on combining these skills into the future. Having travelled extensively Aisling is now based in Dublin, Ireland. She intends to self publish a Bower For Sisters in 2015. An experienced Broadcast Journalist Aisling holds a 2.1 Honours MA in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography from the University of Arts London's London College of Communication and a 2.1 BA in Journalism from Dublin City University.

How to work with The Communications Coach


Reflecting on a Year of Learning and Connection