Blue Sky Thinking

I was delighted to be invited back to Trinity College Dublin this month to teach at Tangent, Trinity's Ideas Workspace.

My time studying at Tangent gave me a unique opportunity to reflect on my career and ambitions, so it was a great pleasure to speak with current students. We discussed why I believe they should be placing their communications strategy at the core of their business plans.

We investigated positive communication strategies that would lead to more client referrals. I found myself quoting Charlie Lawson frequently and recommending that they buy his book Unnatural Networker.

I invited students to use blue-sky thinking to come up with the most creative ways to communicate with clients and the suggestions did not disappoint. From projecting branding on the moon to a tree-planting referral scheme we stretched our imaginations on what is possible for these entrepreneurs. It was great fun and I was delighted to spend time with the students.

I think a blue sky thinking session can be so useful. We all limit ourselves so much day to day that it’s really important to think, What if there were no limitations?

Thanks to Jeanne Le Corre and the team for hosting me.

Aisling O' Rourke
Born and raised in the Midlands of Ireland Aisling O' Rourke seeks to give an intimate insight into worlds ordinarily hidden from public view. Aisling enjoys devoting extended periods of time to her documentary projects. She works in both visuals and audio and intends to focus more on combining these skills into the future. Having travelled extensively Aisling is now based in Dublin, Ireland. She intends to self publish a Bower For Sisters in 2015. An experienced Broadcast Journalist Aisling holds a 2.1 Honours MA in Photojournalism and Documentary Photography from the University of Arts London's London College of Communication and a 2.1 BA in Journalism from Dublin City University.

Harness the Power of Media to Amplify your Brand


Communications Crimes: Empathy or a lack thereof